Animal Abuse

Beating: Beating an aniaml, also known as mistreatment is anything that includes physically hitting the animal, either by hand, or kicking or hitting the animal with an object. Beating is any way that can cause physical harm to the animal, even if the injuries don't show on the outside; internal injuries from this kind of abuse are common. In addition, dogs are one of the most abused type of animal in the world. Out of 1,880 cases of animal abuse, around 64% involved dogs; mostly pit bulls or pit bull mixes.

Mutilation: Mutilating an animal, also known as torturing, or maiming an animal is one of the top ten most common types of animal abuse. One most common victims of this is cattle. In ancient times, members of a herd would be sacrificed in exchange for blessings. Nowadays it's completely different. People will mutlilate an animal if they feel powerlesss, unnoticed or under the control of others. Their motive is usually to threaten, shock or intimidate their victim. Sometimes it's used as revenge against someone that truly cares about the animal.

Throwing: Animal throwing is exactly what it sounds like; throwing an animal into, off, or on to something to hurt it. Stray animals are usually targeted more because people don't think that they'll get caught and charged with the crime because no one owns the animal. There is usually a correlation between an animal abuser and domestic violence. In a survey, 71% of domestic violence victims said that their abuser also abused pets.