Animal neglect or animal abondonment is the most common form of animal abuse. Neglect can be deliberate abuse, or just the failure to take care of an animal. Deliberate neglect is also known as active neglect. Forms of active neglect can be starvation, dehydration, inadequate shelter in bad weathers, and not getting medical attention when it's necessary. Examples of passive neglect are the same thing, except they are done out of ignorance and not deliberately.
Animal hoarding is owning more than the usual number of aniamls without the ability to care for them. Hoarded aniamls usually live in unsanitary conditions and are underfed. Animal Hoarding is typically a symptom of a psychological or neurological disorder like paranoia, delusional thinking or hoarding after a traumatic event. Every year, around 250,000 animals are the victims of hoarding and they are usually emaciated, lethargic and not very social.
Animal shooting, or trophy hunting is selective hunting of animals with the "trophy" part of the animal being kept and displayed to represent the success of the hunt. Sometimes, people will pay tens of thousands of dollars to go on a trip with the goal of killing an exotic and endangered animal. Thousands of endangered animals are killed each year in foreign countries, primarly in Africa. Some animal species, like the West African Black Rhinoceros and Tasmanian Tiger have been hunted to extinction in past two centuries thanks to hunting.
Animal fighting is putting two or more animals up against each other for purposes like gambling and entertainment. One of the most common types of animal fighting is dog fighting. Dog fighting is a felony in all 50 and the maximun sentence for a charge is 3 years in jail, but that doesn't stop people from participating in it. Around 40,000 people are involved in dog fighitng and the prize for a top level dog fight can be as high as $100,000. The injuries dogs suffer in the fights can be deadly. Around 16,000 dogs are killed in dog fights each year, and those numbers continue to rise.